Mission & Vision

We create, engineer, integrate, enhance, and sustain. Delivering excellence, delivering results, reliability, & rock solid dependability, excellence and innovation built into every design of bold.

Quality Management

Bold integrator quality management system and procedures have been designed, developed and implemented in line with the international standard iso 9001: 2008. The quality assurance team will be the center of excellence for ensuring quality & will take various measures to place quality in the heart of bi to ensure that delivered services achieve objectives and meet requirements.

occupational health & safety

Bold integrator adheres to the best international safety standards to ensure the safest working environment. Bi has obtained and certified with occupational health safety assessment series (ohsas) 18001:2007. The bi occupational health team looks after the health of people, including employees, contractors, third parties as well as the public

Environment Management System

Bold integrator has always maintained the maximum level of professionalism by applying relevant international standards, such as iso 14001:2004, in an attempt to implement the best international environmental practices. Bi also ensures the proper consideration of environment in decision making.

Data Safety

As an IT company, we understand the critical importance of data safety in today's digital landscape. Your organization's valuable information is the cornerstone of your operations, and safeguarding it is paramount to maintaining trust, complying with regulations, and mitigating potential risks. At Bold Integrator, we offer robust data safety measures to ensure the protection and integrity of your data assets